Conchology Section |
President's Report
Fellow Conchologists,
Tony and Jenny Enderby gave us a most interesting presentation for our August meeting. We all thoroughly appreciated it. Thank you! Also thank you to those who brought in shell trays for us to share. It was lovely to catch up with everyone again after my recent trip to Australia.
Martin will be our speaker at the next meeting. He will be sharing his recent experiences in the Philippines.
Hoping to see some of you on the 25th August at my place to have a look at my shell collection, otherwise I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting in September.
Heather Smith
September Meeting
At our meeting to be held on 11th September, Martin Walker will be speaking on his recent trip to the Philippines - he will be making use of our newly acquired data projector (see below)! Guaranteed to be another very interesting and informative evening.
Shell families for the meeting - tropical, estuarine and fresh water shells.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, 11th September 2007 at Epsom Community Centre, 202 Gillies Avenue, Epsom. You are welcome to arrive from 7:00 pm with the meeting commencing at 7:30 pm. As usual there shall be a lucky door prize (kindly provided by Doug and Judith Snook) and supper.
Proposals Passed
During discussions held at the August Meeting, the following motions were raised and passed:
Motion: Proposed by Heather Smith.
For CSAMI monthly meetings to be held at Epsom Community Centre. Agreement for the hire of cupboards at the community centre at a rate of $20.00 per month. To be reviewed on an annual basis. Seconded by Rosa Tyson. All in favour.
Motion: Proposed by Heather Smith.
That the CSAMI hold one formal meeting in the museum auditorium making use of our privilege as part of the Museum Institute (the committee to work on organising a speaker for this event), or one annual meeting at the museum to view shell collection. Seconded by Rosa Tyson. All in favour.
Motion: Proposed by Martin Walker.
That Peter Poortman price and compare data projectors with a view to purchasing a data projector within a budget of $2,000. This projector is to be made available at our next meeting. Seconded by Nick Britton. All in favour.
Poirieria Journal
We would like to publish another edition of our Poirieria Journal.
If you have an article that would make for interesting reading by our club members and subscribers then forward information to Editors, Tony and Jenny Enderby, PO Box 139, Leigh. This can include articles, stories, photos (which however will not be published in colour), pictures, etc.
If you have not yet completed your article but would like to have it included, please telephone Tony and Jenny to advise.
Is everyone aware of the new "Protected Objects Act"?
This act came into force on 1 November 2006, and supersedes the Antiquities Act.
Among other things it prohibits unapproved export of "A specimen of an extant or extinct rock or mineral, animal, or other organism or fossil or part thereof including any development stage, shell, or skeletal or supporting element, of which there is not a sufficient selection in New Zealand public collections to define the variation, range and environmental context of the taxon or object."
Fine for infringement is up to $100,000 or 5 years imprisonment!!
See for more information.
This renders the export of nationally important specimens illegal.
Auckland Shell Show
We are starting to make plans for the proposed Shell Show in 2009.
If you would like to join Peter Poortman, Heather Smith and Doug Snook on the committee, please let Heather Smith know.
Club Thank-you
A letter has been received from David Hill, Chairman of the Auckland Museum Trust Board thanking us for our donation of $1,500.
New Club Library Book
Spiny Oysters, a revision of "The Living Spondylus Species of the World" by the late Kevin Lamprell has been donated to the club by Jean Lamprell. This was given to Heather Smith whilst on her whirlwind tour of the shell shows of Australia last month! If you are interested in borrowing this book, please contact Gladys Goulstone, Club Librarian.
Secretary Required
Jan Munroe has tendered her resignation as Club Secretary effective end of December 2007. If you are interested in taking over this role, please let Heather Smith know.
Whangarei Shell Club advised in their most recent newsletter about a big wash-up on Ruakaka Beach from the July storm. The main area was about 200m north to south of the surf lifesaving club with scatterings outside of that area. Their next meeting (held 2nd September) included bringing along shells found so a list of the wash-up could be created.
7th Australian National Shell Show - Brisbane 2008
Hosted by the Malacological Society of Australasia, Queensland Branch.
7th - 9th March 2008 at the Italo Australia Centre, 23 Foster Street, Newmarket 4051, Brisbane.
To receive updates about the Shell Show, email your contact details to: or post your contact details to: The Secretary, MSA Qld Branch, PO Box 15064 City East 4002, Brisbane, Australia.
2007 : | January February March April May June July |
2006 : | January February March April May June July August September October November |
2005 : | January February March April May June July August September October November |
2004 : | January February March April May June July August September October November |
2003 : | January February March April May June July August September October November |
2002 : | March April May June July August September October November December |
2001 : | February March April May June July August September October November December |
2000 : | February March April May June July August September October November December |