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Conchology Section
Auckland Museum Institute

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Newsletter - June 2002

Congratulations to our Patron Prof. John Morton, who will become a Fellow of the Auckland War Memorial Museum, this month.
Hospitalised: Nancy Smith. We send her our best wishes for a speedy recovery, (actually Nancy looked so well at our last meeting we've decided that she must be conducting a secret survey on procedures at Auckland Hospital !)
Greetings from the President. Our informal 'dinner' committee meeting was well attended and was very productive in dealing with the Section's business and forthcoming events.
One interesting item was a donation of $50 to the Museum, towards the purchase of sand for the new sand pit in the refurbished 'Weird and Wonderful' centre. Patricia Langford's suggestion, that section members provide wrapped shells to be hidden in the sand pit as gifts for children visiting 'Weird and Wonderful' on the initial reopening day in October, was accepted.
At the meeting later that evening our speaker Heather Smith gave an enthusiastic account of her trip to Lord Howe Is. followed by a short video on the Island and its marine environs. Heather had edited the video with a Mac. programme and the meeting voted it the best home video ever!

Next Meeting: Tuesday 11th June 7:30 pm at the Museum. This is the Chatham Islands evening.
Entrance by the rear Admin door between 7:15-7:30pm. We regret there can be no late admittance due to security regulations. Mystery door prizes!
Speaker: Patricia Langford will speak on the natural history of the Chatham Is and is leading a tour to the Chathams ts. in February, (details below).
Other members of the section will give short accounts of their experiences on the Chathams. Warning ! Some of these stories are dangerously hilarious.
Feature Shells: Chatham Is. shells: (the President promises to bring a full tray). Please also bring some displays of NZ. southern shells for comparison.

Field Trip Sat. June 22nd - Silverdale Marine Paua Nursery
No charge for Section Members; non-members $8. We need to advise the numbers attending, so contact Patricia Langford ph. (Ak.) 473-0147 as soon as possible.
Please meet at the Nursery at 12 noon sharp. The visit will finish at 1-30 pm.
The address of the Paua Nursery is 125 Foundry Rd. Silverdale. (Travel North through Silverdale township and turn right into Foundry Rd - the nursery is located at the far end of Foundry Rd.

Chatham Is. Tour - Jan 30th. - Feb 5th. 2003
Bookings are filling for this tour of 7 days and 6 nights to the Chatham Is. and it is the only charter flight departing from Auckland in the Summer season . Please note that a deposit of $300 is required when booking. The basic package is from $1699 with a range of accommodation choices. Included in the basic price are: flight transfers, all meals, day tours; geology, flora and fauna, local history. A fishing trip is also included with surplus fish packed and given to all guests to bring home.
The tour offers friendly, relaxed, old-fashioned Chatham Is. hospitality and is a general interest tour with no special access arranged for scientific field studies or serious collection. For enquiries contact Patricia Langford ph. (AK) 473-0147

Shell Auction 2002.
The shell auction will be held on Sun. Nov 10th at the Albany Hall, Albany. Please mark this date in your diary now ! This weekend is going to be a major Shell Convention. The programme is still evolving, but I can report that an outing is planned for the Saturday afternoon; free tables will be available for trade and exchange on Sunday morning before the auction; a beach shelling expedition is planned for Monday; a visit to a substantial Auckland shell collection on Tuesday and on Tuesday night, Collector Mike Hart will speak at the Section's meeting at the Museum on 'The shells of Aitutaki in the Cook Is.'

Bits and pieces:
A field trip to Little Barrier Is. is planned for October and an environmental expedition to Lord Howe fs. will take place in Sept. this year. Contact Heather Smith, ph. (AK) 524-5068 re. Lord Howe Is. trip.
Please send Rosa any items of interest for the newsletter.
Low tides: June Waitemata,11th 13:27 0.6, 25th 13:25 0.3 - Manukau 3hrs later.

Library News
Librarian Gladys Goulstone (38A Church Rd, Mangare Bridge, Ak.) ph. (09) 634-2823, will be in attendance at the Library in the Mataapuna Gallery on the Monday afternoon 2-3 pm before each meeting date. Please contact her re. books on the list mailed Sept 01 - Gladys has extra copies of this. She will deliver your book order to the meeting, or if you send her an A4 P.O. handy bag with $2-95 in stamps, for each book, she will mail books to you. Please return books to Mataapuna as soon as possible or to Gladys at the next meeting, or mail them to her address above.

Tony and Jenny Enderby, P.O Box 139 Leigh, require articles for the next Poirieria issue. Queries: ph. 09-422-6127 or Email: (Back copies available.)

Sorry, but we regret that this may be your last newsletter if you have not yet paid your subscription. We have enclosed a final notice with this newsletter so please check your envelope to see if this concerns you.

..........please cut along this line ......................................................

Subscriptions are due for 2002. The annual subscription is $20-00. Please make cheques to; Conchology Section C/o R.A. Tyson, 16 Kain St, Mt Eden, Auckland 4, New Zealand.

I/we enclose $20.00 for my/our annual subscription:

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