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Auckland Museum Institute

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Newsletter - August 2001

All the seating was taken for Bruce Hayward's talk on the Early Miocene fossils of Auckland and their stories. He explained the work of some historical fossil researchers like Heaphy, and Hochsetter who described 30 species of bryozoa from greenstone beds at Orakei. Dr Powell and his colleague from Auckland university, Professor Bartrum studied at Church and Double U Bays. They identified 78 species from these Waiheke sites in 1929, 42 of these were new species. Jack Grant-Mackie contributed much and supervised the work of students. Extensive research done by Alan Beu and Phil Maxwell resulted in the book Cenozoic Mollusca of New Zealand. Papers on deep sea fossil limpets have been published by Bruce Marshall. Bruce Hayward, Mike Eagle and Glenn Carter have described additional species from the Waiheke sites. On one fortunate trip to Oneroa a heavy rain storm had washed away modern sand to a depth of 2m, exposing the fossils in the base of the channel. This occurs very rarely.
As well as the Waiheke sites Bruce recommended Mathesons Bay, Leigh where there are big barnacle plates, ray feeding burrows, cup coral and huge oysters. These indicate warmer sea temperatures than today. Another worthwhile visit would be to Motuihe Island where there is limestone, an unusual occurrence in the Auckland area. As Bruce explained them, we passed around fossils collected by Glenn and from the University collections. These added greatly to the interest. Thank you Bruce for lots of visuals and a wealth of information.
At the end of the meeting Margaret and Glenys felt mighty popular until they discovered that members, especially Rae, were keeping close, not to them, but to their swipe card! Some members were (accidentally) locked in at the last meeting!! Yes, they did get out!

Derek Lamb's new address is Settlers Grove, Orewa, Hibiscus Coast. Ph (09) 427 8911.

The show rules, schedules and registration forms were made available at the meeting and more fliers handed out. Enquiries Deidre Standish, (04) 938 6554 or or 27 Fitzpatrick St., Johnsonville, Wellington. Jill sends thanks to members who have given shells for the Shell Show.

The library is now available to members in Mataapuna, the resource centre on the first floor near the Oceans gallery, during all Museum opening hours. You do not need to pay the entry donation, just say you are going to the library in Mataapuna. Take some ID. A catalogue of books will be in the next newsletter.

For registration/information Email or Ph Nancy Ph (09) 521 34 05.

Australian news from Katherine Szabo she is studying for a PhD in archaeology in Canberra. She sends greetings to all who helped her at shell meetings when she was at school in Auckland. Anyone wanting a copy of her paper Molluscan evidence for late Holocene climate change on Motutapu Island, Hauraki Gulf should phone Margaret.
English news from Ingrid who was an judge at the last Shell Show in Auckland. She thanks everyone for their hospitality and gifts of shells. She has caalogued them all! She can be contacted at

(Too?) Late notice Tamaki Estuary Protection Society AGM Maungarei Room, Mt Wellington library 7-13 Pilkington Rd 7pm, Wednesday 5 Sept. 2001. Speaker Ghada Abrahim "Human impacts on the sediments of the Tamaki Estuary".

MAHIA 16-19 OCTOBER 2001
Bookings have been made at Blue Bay Holiday Park for people on the list. There are a few places still available if you want to add your name and give a $30 deposit. More details will be available at the meeting or Ph. Margaret 576 8323. It looks a beautiful place on the brochures.

September meeting
The speaker will be Mike Hart recounting his recent dive trip around the east coast of Australia. This popular speaker may attract another full house.

Saturday 22 September 2001 at Milford Baptist Church Hall, Dodson Av. Milford. Your auction schedule is enclosed, bring it with you. Individuals are responsible for bringing their prepared lots. Shells must be in open boxes available for pre-auction inspection by bidders. Jack and Glenys will be auctioneers together with the usual team of scrutineers. Tea and coffee will be available, bring your own lunch. We hope out of town members will join us for an entertaining day. Remember your cheque book! Please come at 9 am if you can to help with putting up tables and setting out the lots. Sunday 23 September 2001, other times on the schedule.

Doug Snook is holding an open house on the Sunday following the auction, everyone is welcome to come and view his extensive collection and talk shells from 11 am at 16 Donzella Place, Conifer Groove, Takanini. The jug will be on for tea and coffee, but bring your own lunch if you want to come around midday. Phone Doug (09) 299 6476 if you need directions. Note the corrected date! The Snooks have splendid new carpet so bring your slippers.

Tuesday 11 September 7:30pm. Auckland War Memorial Museum.
Entry by the Administration door between 7:15 and 7:30pm. No late admittance.

The speaker will be Lisa Hankey from the Department of Conservation speaking on CITES. A great opportunity to ask questions on the legality of acquisitions from around New Zealand and overseas eg. coral, land snails. Please bring a tray of pectinids NZ or overseas or items of general interest.

Margaret Morley: Ph (09) 576 8323, Fiona Thompson: Ph (09) 828 4855
Email: Peter Poortman: Ph (09) 817 5697
Website: Conchology Section website


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