Conchology Section |
The members participation night was enjoyed with a variety of topics aired and good stories told. Contributions were made by Joan Coles who found Charonia at Kawau and Argonauta argo at Ninety Mile Beach, some years ago. Glad showed limpets collected at John o'Groats by Jim in his pre-land snail days. Bruce Hazelwood talked about a large Australian volute, Livonia nodiplicata caught in 30 fathoms in a shark net, and was enthusiastic about another volute in his collection, the rare Cymbiola perplicata, obtained from Mike Hart. News from Alan Limpus in Australia- "I have broken my patella and now I'm a limp et"! He is hoping to be mobile again soon.
Peggy is settling in well, her new address is 34 Ocean Shores Village, 80 Maranui St. Mt. Maunganui. Ph (07) 574 4307.
This will be held 23-24 March 2002 To register your interest, send your name and address, phone no. - Home and business, and Email to: Malacological Society of Australia, Queensland Branch, PO Box 64 Brisbane Albert St. Queensland 4002 Australia.
For more on the Shell Show to be held in Wellington, see overleaf. Please copy and pass around.
Luc Seagers - Jan de Knuytstraat 24, 2380 Ravels, Belgium wants to exchange eg: Marginellidae, Veneridae, Ranellidae. Phone Margaret for details or Email lucs@tuytelae(or f?)
FIELD TRIP Sunday, June 24 2001 Waiwera
Park on the city side of the bridge because the old parking spot has gone during road improvements. We will walk over the bridge, gollow the edge of the estuary on a level track for 5 minutes to reach the shore. As the tide goes out it is possible to explore the marine life around the island. There are plenty of turnable rock slabs. Wear shoes for wading. You may want to collect land snails, enquiries to Bruce Hazelwood Ph.(09) 424 0065. Phone Margaret 576 8323 between 11am 12 midday for possible cancellation if the weather is very wet. Arrange your own carpool. Meet at 2pm sharp on the south side of the bridge. Low tide, 0.2 is about 3.30pm. Watch the incoming tide, don't get cut off.
Saturday 22 September 2001 at Milford Baptist Church Hall, Dodson Av. Milford, Write this in pencil- the date to be confirmed!!! To book lots with Glenys ph (09) 415 9930. She just wants numbers at this stage, first in first served. We are keen to include some high quality New Zealand shells- have you any available?. Individuals are responsible for their typed list and preparation of lots. Shells must be in open boxes available for pre-auction inspection by bidders.
Thanks to Fiona for taking notes at the May meeting.
The following officers will be needed for 2002: president, secretary, treasurer, newsletter writer. Please consider if you would like to volunteer for any of these positions or be on the committee. If you would like to know more about what the jobs entail ph Glenys 415 9930. There are offers of assistance by the current office holders to learn what is required. Give it a go!
Tuesday 12 June 7:30pm. Auckland War Memorial Museum.
Entry by the Administration door between 7:15 and 7:30pm. No late admittance.
Doug Snook will be the speaker with a video and talk entitled "Sannibel Island Revisited". Please bring any trays of Florida shells or any items of general interest.
The WHOPPER species will be Atrina zelandica. Bring your largest.
Margaret Morley: Ph (09) 576 8323, Fiona Thompson: Ph (09) 828 4855
Email: Peter Poortman: Ph (09) 817 5697
Website: Conchology Section website