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Auckland Museum Institute

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Newsletter - June 2001

Doug Snook was the speaker for the evening, on "Sannibel Island". Doug and Judith went on this trip to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary in 1993. As well as Florida, the places they visited included Hawaii, San Diego, Washington, New York, Niagara Falls and a coach tour to Canada.

Sannibel Island, the shell collectors' mecca is accessed by a motorway over a causeway. Everything, hotel rooms, (Starfish cottage), even the street names such as Periwinkle Drive, are called after marine topics. The garage of their hotel was equipped with a place to clean shells! With good weather and a wash up what more could you want? If you can't find what you want on the beaches it is available in the specialised shell shops. Doug showed a video and of course brought in a wonderful selection of shells. Some of these were Busyconium contrarium, Cypraea cervus, Strombus alatus, Conus regius, Charonia variegata, Murex cabriti and a fascinating specimen of the primitive horseshoe crab.

Thank you Doug for a great talk.

Saturday 22 September 2001 at Milford Baptist Church Hall, Dodson Av. Milford, this date is now confirmed!!! To book lots with Glenys ph. (09) 415 9930. She just wants numbers at this stage, first in first served. We are keen to include some high quality New Zealand shells- have you any available? Individuals are responsible for their typed list and preparation of lots. Shells must be in open boxes available for pre-auction inspection by bidders.

After much patient negotiation by Glenys, cataloguing by Rae and Fiona and the actual shifting of books by the above and Nancy, Betty and Rosa the library is now available to members in Mataapuna, the resource centre on the first floor near the Oceans gallery, during all Museum opening hours. You do not need to pay the entry donation, just say you are going to the library in Mataapuna. The staff have a list of members, so if you know your name and have any ID you can borrow!

Donations of shells, books or shell related items to fund raise are requested. They will be picked up in Auckland in the middle of July. Please bring contributions to the next meeting.

A new member is desperate for a 1979 Powell and an Argonauta hians. Ph Margaret 576 8323 if you can help.

The whopper species Atrina zelandica was brought in by Margaret. The specimen from Marlborough Sounds measured 325 mm, though there is 405 mm one in the Museum collection. Fiona and Celia brought in slightly smaller specimens, but Betty got a highly commended with her one with a large pearl attached!

Can you help identify a 45 cm flat sheet of spawn washed in on an east coast beach? Tonna has been suggested. Any observations by divers or incidents of spawn washed in + Tonna or ? would be useful. This information is needed by post graduate students at Auckland University. Please phone Margaret (09) 576 8323 or Email

The following officers will be needed for 2002: president, secretary, treasurer, newsletter writer. Please consider if you would like to volunteer for any of these positions or be on the committee. If you would like to know more about what the jobs entail ph Glenys 415 9930. There are offers of assistance by the current office holders to leam what is required. Give it a go!

We are planning to go to Mahia Peninsula for 4 or 5 days during low tides in October. Reservations need to be made soon as the following weekend is Labour weekend. If you want to come and be included in a block booking in tourist cabins, Tuesday 16 October - Friday 19 October inclusive at Blue Bay Holiday Resort, cost approx. $40-60 for 2 per night, you must get your name on the list by July2. A deposit will be required, details to come. Anyone wanting to come either before or after these dates or wanting different accommodation should make their own bookings. To book or discuss details, ask about travel etc. phone Margaret 576 8323. Act now!!

Tuesday 10 July 7:30pm. Auckland War Memorial Museum.
Entry by the Administration door between 7:15 and 7:30pm. No late admittance.
The speaker will be Carol Diebel giving details of the Museum marine collections.
Please bring any trays or items of general interest. It will be a great night, don't miss it.

Margaret Morley: Ph (09) 576 8323, Fiona Thompson: Ph (09) 828 4855
Email: Peter Poortman: Ph (09) 817 5697
Website: Conchology Section website


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