Conchology Section |
Welcome to new member Mr. Noel Crump, 309 Hobsonville Rd. West Harbour, Auckland. Ph. 09-416-9881.
Patricia Langford's new address is: 1 Celine Place, Browns Bay, Auckland. Ph. 09-479-6149.
Foreshore and seabed debate
Should it also include the off-shore islands? Ever wondered if money could be fuelling the current bitter disputes over the ownership of NZ's foreshore and seabed and its various issues with Maori? Sadly there may be fire under the smoke after all. The Section has run foul of a local Iwi with interest's in the Hauraki Gulf Islands of the Moko Hinau group, Little Barrier Is. and Great Barrier Is.
Bruce obtained a permit to collect land snails on Burgess Is. but was contacted by telephone by a spokesman for this Iwi at 4 pm the day before we originally planned to go out to the Moko Hinau's. The caller informed us that an Iwi representative must accompany our field trip - all expenses paid by the Section - and that we must pay the Iwi a $30 per hour search fee while on the Island. I'm pleased to inform you that a letter to DoC Ak on the matter bought a speedy telephone call from the officer who had granted Bruce's permit. He advised us not to pay and to inform him immediately if the Iwi contacts us again with a demand for money.
Should any member be approached by an Iwi for collection fees white out shelling, please contact the nearest DoC office and let them know the full details.
Committee Meeting
6pm at the Epsom Centre - BYO dinner.
Next Meeting: Tuesday 9th March 7:30pm.
This will be held in the Ranfurly Room. Epsom Community Centre. 202 Gillies Ave. Please park at the rear of the Centre - entrance is via Kimberly Rd.
Speaker: Professor Jack Grant-Mackie
Topic: Fossil scallops
Feature shells: Please bring a tray of your favourite shell fossils
Door Prizes: there will be two lucky door prizes to be won.
Shell Auction: Sat 29th May, Albany Hall.
Please note that our annual shell auction will be held earlier this year. Entries have now closed with 215 lots.
The 5th New Zealand Shell Show
This will be held in Auckland on 15-17 October 2004. Please contact Peter Poortman to register your interest.
Field Trip to Burgess Island Moko Hinau Islands
This was cancelled due to the dreadful weather on the 28th Feb. The field trip is rescheduled for Sunday 18th April. The excursion out to Burgess Island was to be our Summer field trip and followed by a visit to the beaches at Whakatane in Autumn. However, we have yet to set the date for the Whakatane trip. It could take place in May.
Bits and pieces
Margaret Morley ph. 576-8323 would like your assistance on Saturday May 8th for a public field trip to Howick Beach. Meet at 2-30pm.
An appropriate little verse received from Glenys Stace;
They've talked of their vacation,
Told front and back and sides of it,
I thought at last the topic closed,
But no, here come the slides of it!
- Dick Emerson (Saturday Evening Post)
A copy of Penniket's NZ Seashetts in Colour ($5 or nearest offer) is required by Pat Lakeman (04) 479-8911.
The Editors advise that the next issue of the journal will be published in April.
The Editors, Tony and Jenny Enderby. P.O Box 139 Leigh, require articles for future Poirieria issues - All queries: ph. 09-422-6127 or email
Web site
Our Web site Officer is Peter Poortman (
Conchology section web site
Library news
To borrow any of the Section's books please contact our Librarian Gladys Goulstone - address 38A Church Rd. Mangere Bridge, Auckland - ph. (09) 634-2823. Please contact Gladys regarding books on the list mailed Sept 2001 - she has extra copies of this.
Gladys will deliver book orders to the meeting. If you send her an A4 P.0. handy bag with $2.95 in stamps per book, she will mail the books. Please return books to Matapuna as soon as possible or to Gladys at the next meeting, or return them by mail.
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Subscriptions are due for 2004. Annual subscription is $20.
Please send to: The Treasurer, Conchology Section, Dr. N. Hudson, 4/20 Hayden St. Freemans Bay, Auckland 1, N.Z.
I/we enclose $20.00 for my/our annual subscription:
Name: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Postal address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Phone: --------------------- Bus: ------------------------
Email: ----------------------------------------------------
2004 : | January |
2003 : | January February March April May June July August September October November |
2002 : | March April May June July August September October November December |
2001 : | February March April May June July August September October November December |
2000 : | February March April May June July August September October November December |