Conchology Section |
Greetings from the President.
The committee hopes that as many members as possible will be able to attend the Shell Auction in Auckland on Nov. 10th. At our last meeting Tony and Jenny Enderby spoke about the preparation for their new book 'Diving NZ for the Lonely Planet'. This book features a magnificent selection of their underwater photographs and will be available in book stores soon.
The field trip to Little Barrier Is was a huge success. More about this in the next newsletter.
Auction Schedule and a map enclosed with newsletter
Shell Auction Sunday 10th November 2002.
Free Trading Tables 10:00am - 12:30pm
Mon. 11th: Tour of the Museum Marine Dept: 2:pm with the Curator, Dr Carol Diebel. Contact Reception re. the rear Admin. door - or contact Margaret Morley ph. 306 7070 ex. 887
Tues. 12th: Free time or visit collections of Mrs M. Morley, Mr. B. Hazelwood, and Mr. D. Snook.
Next Meeting: Tuesday 12th November 7:30 pm at the Museum.
Entrance by the rear Admin door between 7:15-7:30pm. We regret there can be no late admittance due to security regulations. Mystery door prizes!
Speaker:Mike Hart will talk about his experiences shelling on Aitutaki Is. in the Cook Islands.
Summer field trip to Cuvier Is : Bruce Hazelwood has proposed a trip to Cuvier Is. a flora and fauna reserve 15 miles S.E of Cape Barrier on Gt. Barrier Is (Auckland) in Feb-Mar. Cuvier also is the site of a monument to Scott of the Antarctic. Those interested in this trip please phone Rosa on 09 620 4523.
Library News: Librarian, Gladys Goulstone (38A Church Rd. Mangere Bridge, Ak.) ph. (AK) 634 2823. Please return books to Matapuna as soon as possible, or to Gladys at the next meeting, or mail them to her address above.
Poineria: T and J Enderby, P-0 Box 139 Leigh, require articles for the next Poirieria issue. Queries: ph. 09 422 6127 or Email: (back copies available.)