Conchology Section |
Greetings from the President. Our Chatham Islands feature at the June meeting was a most interesting topic with several members recounting their experiences on the Islands. Doug Snook brought a selection of Chatham Is shells from his own collection and Margaret Morley displayed shells she has collected on a trip to the Chathams in 1989. Shells of note on display: Haliotis iris , Haliotis virginia, Cantharidus opalus cannoni (reported as abundant on algae), Cellana strigilis chathamensis.
Meanwhile, at a ceremony held in the Museum's magnificent classical hypostyle hall, Mrs Fiona Thompson had the honour of accepting the Auckland Museum's award: 'Fellow of the Auckland War Memorial Museum' on behalf of our Patron, Dr John Morton who was unable to attend.
Our field trip to the Marine Paua Nursery was well attended. The writer however missed the visit on account of being caught up in one of Auckland's legendary traffic snarls and was unable to reach the harbour bridge by midday! Thanks to Mrs Patricia Langford for organising the event.
Next Meeting: Tuesday 9th July 7:30 pm at the Museum.
Entrance by the rear Admin door between 7:15-7:30pm. We regret there can be no late admittance due to security regulations. Mystery door prizes!
Speaker: Mrs Margaret Morley will give an account of her recent trip to the South Island NZ: 'How to find molluscs and avoid sand flies in the South Island.'
Feature Shells: A selection of South Island shells.
Chatham Is. Tour - Jan 30th. - Feb 5th. 2003
There are still some places on this tour of 7 days and 6 nights to the Chatham Is.
For enquiries contact Barbara Lloyd at Seymour Travel 0800-739-668.
Shell Auction 2002.
The shell auction will be held on Sun. Nov 10th at the Albany Hall, Albany. Please mark this date in your diary now!
Bits and pieces:
A field trip to Little Barrier Is. is planned for October.
An environmental expedition to Lord Howe Is. will take place in Sept. 2003 (please note this is next year). Contact Heather Smith, ph. (AK) 524-5068.
There is a shell auction in Auckland at Dunbar Sloane on July 10th. Phone Doug (09-299-6476) for details.
Low tide: July 24th Waitemata, Manukau 3hrs later.
Library News: We have two new books, both by Neville Coleman: 'Dangerous sea creatures' and 'One Thousand and One Nudibranchs'.
Librarian Gladys Goulstone (38A Church Rd, Mangare Bridge, Ak.) ph. (09) 634-2823, will be in attendance at the Library in the Mataapuna Gallery on the Monday afternoon 2-3 pm before each meeting date. Please contact her re. books on the list mailed Sept 01 - Gladys has extra copies of this. She will deliver your book order to the meeting, or if you send her an A4 P.O. handy bag with $2-95 in stamps, for each book, she will mail books to you. Please return books to Mataapuna as soon as possible or to Gladys at the next meeting, or mail them to her address above.
The next publication of our Poirieria Journal is almost completed and will be mailed out to you in the near future.
Tony and Jenny Enderby, P.O Box 139 Leigh, require articles for the next Poirieria issue. Queries: ph. 09-422-6127 or Email: (Back copies available.)
Bits and pieces:
Thanks to all members who sent in notices this month.
* For sale: 15 glass display cabinets - wall - mountable. Ex. Zurrer Collection. All 69cm high x 61cm wide - but in 3 different depths ( 7 x 12cm, 5 x 28cm, 2 x 22cm, 1 x 17cm) $500 for the lot. Ph. Barbara 07-827-7808
* Wellington Shell Club member, Zvi Orlin, (email, would like to exchange shells with NZ collectors. Zvi collects worldwide and all families and has shells from Israel (both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea) Europe, Sth. Africa and other localities.
* This little gem deserves a multitude of replies: Shell collector Mike Cefola, 40 Ridge Drive, Fleetwood, PA 19522, USA. ( would like to trade shells with NZ collectors. His wish list is available from Margaret Morley at Auckland Museum, email
'My approach is perfectly simple; my trading partner sends me a list of 2 or 3 dozen shells that they would like from my list, along with their trading list. I dont worry about value. That takes the fun out of it. I even like to go through beach grunge for micros with my 12 year old. I'm a typical collector....... a loon'.
I hope to hear from someone soon. Sincerely, Mike.
* 0ur fame has spread to Uruguary: Sur Atlantic Zoologi, email addresses and advises us that they are shell dealers of 12 years standing in Uraguay:
'Our constant aim is to improve our services and attention everyday, offering the best of our products and of ourselves. So a few months ago we sent an encouragement team to the far and cold land of Tiera del Fuego, the South of Argentina. It was truly a challenge!! Despite the cruel weather we received 400 lots of local species which we hope to advertise on our list in the near future. You will be able to request this list completely free as well as photos of any of the available species ...... as well as shells and sea invertebrates of the 'Magellianian region' ...... Trophoninae and Volutidae are our specialty ...... If you intend to visit please let us know 30 days in advance.'
Sincerely Alicia Martinez, Secretary.