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Conchology Section
Auckland Museum Institute

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Newsletter - August 2004

Last word - Miss Joan Coles
Forever young at heart, Joan Coles died suddenly on August 18th in her 89th year. A former Matron of St Helens Maternity Hospital in Auckland, Joan was an esteemed Life Member and Past President of the Conchology Section. A dedicated Parishioner of St Lukes Anglican Church Mt Albert, Joan had a wondrous appreciation of God's creation. She was an enthusiastic supporter of the Auckland War Memorial Museum and an active member of the Forest and Bird Society. Joan was known for her generosity and for many years gifted a home-baked Christmas cake for our combined AGM and Christmas function.
Joan Coles was indeed a lovely lady, a special person who we will miss very much.
- by Doug Snook, President

Patricia Langford is recovering at home from recent dual knee surgery. She hopes to be up and training for the next Olympics before too long.

President's Report
The Writer is pleased to report that my old 'MAC' is no more and I now have a new computer with an Internet connection and email:

5th New Zealand Shell Show
The show will be held 15-17th October 2004 at the Pakuranga Community and Cultural Centre, 13 Reeves Rd Pakuranga, Auckland.
Calling all exhibitors! Register your entries now - closing date 15th September 2004. Remember to stage this show we need exhibits - all exhibitors have free entry to the show.

Please note the change of venue for the next meeting!
The next meeting will be held on Tues 14th September at the Auckland Museum - 7pm - entry is via the East door.
Free entry - please bring along a plate of finger food for supper. This special programme is a book-launch for Margaret Morley's "New Zealand Seashells" book. The book will be available at the discounted price of $19.95 and autographed by Margaret.

N.B. Margaret Morley would like to advise all members who are unable to attend her book promotion at the September meeting, but who can pick up their books at the October meeting, can mail $19.95 to Margaret Morley, 25 The Boulevard, Pakuranga Auckland, ph 09-576-8323. She will not be mailing books as the cost of packing and postage negates the discount. Out of town members should be able to buy a copy at their local bookstores. She advises that the book will be on sale at the full retail price at the Shell Show.

Last month, along with numerous members of the Botanical Society, Glenys Stace enjoyed a plant identifying workshop at Auckland's UNTTEC. The subject of microscopes was discussed among those who greatly admired UNITEC'S facilities. A number of participants expressed interest in the microscopes we have in Unseen Worlds, Auckland Museum, as a cheaper and more effective alternative. These microscopes have the same capabilities as the UNTTEC ones. Glenys would be happy to co-ordinate organising a bulk order between the Botanical Society and the Conchology Section. Members interested in purchasing a microscope can 'test drive' those on view in the Museum's Unseen Worlds exhibition. The microscopes are steroscopic with above and below lighting. They magnify to 20x or 40x. The normal cost is $450. A bulk order (about 6) through both clubs would bring the price down to $410. Please contact me urgently if you would like to join in an order to be placed in September. Glenys Stace, 41 Coatsville Highway, RD.3 Albany, Auckland, ph. 09 415 9930, email:

Items of interest
The new Curator of the Marine Department Auckland Museum is Leslie Newman.

Hurricane Charley: Reports from Florida mention only light damage to Sanibel Island and other nearby famous shelling spots on the State's South-West coast.

Section's Tee Shirts: T-shirts for summer wear, bearing the Section's logo, are still available for purchase. These will be on sale, as will our lapel badge, at the Shell Show in October.

Field trips
Some excellent suggestions for future trips in the summer months were made at the July Committee meeting: Goat Island (the glass bottom boat is currently undergoing a re-fit.), The Hen and Chicken Islands, a second trip to the Moko Hinau Islands group, and a dredging trip to the Manukau Harbour sand banks (this will be a most interesting day trip).

The Editors require articles for the next issue of the Section's Journal, Poirieria.
Contact Jenny and Tony Enderby, PO box 139 Leigh, North Auckland, ph. 09 422 6127, or email:

Our web-site officer is Peter Poortman:

The Section's extensive collection of library books are available for loan and located on shelves at the rear of the Matapuna Gallery, Auckland Museum. Members can request specific books by contacting our Librarian Gladys Goulstone, 38a Church Street, Mangere Bridge, Auckland, ph. 09 634 2823, or email:

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Subscriptions are due for 2004. Annual subscription is $20. Please make cheques payable to the Conchology Section and mail to: The Treasurer, Dr. N. Hudson, 4/20 Hayden Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland 1.

I/we enclose $20.00 for my/our annual subscription:

Lapel Badge @ $6.00 -----------------

Name: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Postal address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Phone: --------------------- Bus: ------------------------

Email: ----------------------------------------------------


Previous Newsletters

2004 : January   February   March   April   May   June   July  
2003 : January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November  
2002 : March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December  
2001 : February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December  
2000 : February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December  
