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Conchology Section
Auckland Museum Institute

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Newsletter - August 2005

Last Word
I have just received the sad news that Mr. David Baker of Mission Bay Auckland who was the last of the Section's foundation members, died on the weekend. I hope to publish a full obituary notice for him in the next newsletter.

This month's format
Margaret Morley will be the Chair Person for the Sept. 13th meeting and has kindly sent me a full page notice which I have included below as the meeting notice and a reminder of this month's 75th Birthday Celebrations. I hope to see you all in Auckland for the party beginning the evening of Friday 16th-18th Sept. and beyond.

75 Celebration - Sep 16-18th

Sad apology from Doug Snook who is working as an electoral supervisor.
This is not a full programme - refer to previous programme for details, maps etc. However note the following points, some are minor changes to times.

Friday evening 6:30 pm at Epsom Community Centre
The entrance to the carpark off Kimberley Road has a notice Eden/Epsom Kindergarten.
Please bring a shell display or a single shell and be willing to tell the story.
Supper will be served as at an ordinary club night. Buy, sell or swap shells.

Saturday Sep 17, 6:00-8:45pm
The Apec room, east door Auckland Museum, will be available for members setting up from 3.30pm.
Guests are invited from 6pm. The early start is necessary because we have to be out before 9pm.
Rosa is organising a light supper which will be served early in the evening.
We are grateful to the Auckland Museum Institute who are allowing the Conchology Section free use of the Apec Room. A gold coin donation to the Institute would be appreciated.
The speaker for Saturday evening is Dr Ken Grange, his topic is "Technology advances in sampling our coastal environment: any relevance for shell collectors?"
Betty is preparing a power point presentation of fascinating times and people from the past. We will all bring any historical photos and records etc. Winning shell show trays and John Morton papers will be on display. Please bring your memorabilia.

Sunday Epsom Community Centre, larger room 12:40pm
Note the earlier start which will get lunch a bit sooner for the hungry ones providing everyone gets there promptly with their plate of finger food! There are no heating facilities.
Dr Richard Willan will speak on "Nudibranchs as sentinels of global warming" at 1:30pm. Don’t miss this visual feast together with food for thought.
Bring your auction schedule (previous newsletter). These 14 high quality New Zealand lots from Joan Coles collection, the like may never be repeated, so bring your cheque book.
Also bring your camera to record cutting the cake by Noel Gardner (David Baker is in hospital). Glenys has promised to video and photograph some of the weekend highlights.
Betty is showing a rogues gallery, you have been warned!
Multiple Raffle bring cash to buy tickets, $1 for 5. You get multiple chances to win and choose from a table of prizes. Unfortunately at present the table is rather bare. Please can you get a sponsor or give a prize-any item welcome, contact Margaret 576 8323.
Apologies for some members who will leave Epsom early for the Maori Bay field trip.

Any enquiries about the post weekend trip to Northland contact Nancy Smith on 521 3405. It's not too late. General enquiries Ph Margaret 576 8323.
Thanks to everyone who is supporting our efforts e.g. Peter Poortman who has promptly put the latest information on the club website, Rosa for organising Saturday evening food and the cake for Sunday, Jack who is auctioneer Sunday, not forgetting Neville who opens the purse strings.

Your busy 75 committee, Margaret, Gladys, Glenys, Betty and Nancy.

Tuesday 13 September meeting 7:30pm - sing for and bring your supper
Since this is the Tuesday before the big tightly scheduled weekend, we will have time to enjoy some of the stories of days gone by in a more relaxed fashion. There will be no speaker but individual members reminiscing - lots of "Do you remember?".
Bring any memorabilia e.g. scrapbooks, photo albums to jog memories and a tray of shells with attitude, maybe some from earlier collections. Those going north after the weekend will have time to discuss final plans and options. Please bring a plate of delights to share for supper.

Poirieria News
Our Editors, Jenny and Tony Enderby report that Volume 31 of the Journal is ready to go to print and I hope to enclose this with the July Newsletter.
NB. if you are including photographs with your text, please leave an appropriate space in the text for the photos.
Articles: Tony & Jenny Enderby, PO Box 139, Leigh - Ph 09 422-6127 - email:

Web site Officer: Peter Poortman, email
The Secretary: Mrs. R. A. Tyson, email


Previous Newsletters

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2002 : March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December  
2001 : February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December  
2000 : February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December  
