Conchology Section |
President's Report
After spending three glorious months touring the South Island it was great to catch up with members at the last meeting. Thank you to all those who contributed to the evening. Thank you to Ornithologist Doug (loved the field glasses!) and Palaeontologist Fiona for bringing along shell trays. Also thank you to those who helped shift furniture and carried my boxes full of fossils and rock samples etc. inside from my car and all members who contributed to the success of the evening. Thanks to Chris Horne for organising supper.
Did someone leave a grey sleeveless jacket behind at the last meeting? I have this and will bring it to the next meeting.
I am writing this report at home in Auckland (20th May) before leaving tomorrow for a week at Coopers Beach, Northland - looking forward to seeing you all on Tues June 14.
Happy Shelling!
Heather Smith. President.
Meeting Report
Heather's Powerpoint presentation of her tour of the South Island and her display trays of the shells, rock samples and fossils collected during her trip were most interesting. I hope we will be able to replay this video and the other excellent videos she has produced of her shelling trips in recent years during the 75th Birthday Celebrations.
The Committee meeting held last month was well attended and membership issues were a main topic on the agenda. Our Treasurer Dr. Neville Hudson has prepared a membership invoice for your 2005 subscription, which is now due - your invoice is enclosed with this newsletter. Could you please return it to Neville as soon as possible.
Telephone list
Our web site officer Peter Poortman has compiled a 2005 membership and telephone list and is also enclosed with this newsletter.
Email addresses are on our website.
Lapel Badges
The Section's excellent little badge is only $8 - get yours in time for the 75th celebrations.
Please send $8 to the Secretary: Mrs. R. A. Tyson 16 Kain St Mt. Eden. Ak. 4
Our Editors J & T Enderby advise the latest edition of the Journal is coming soon.
Next Meeting
June 14th at 7-30 pm. at the Epsom Community Centre 202 Gillies Ave.
Speaker: Michael Bressolles. Michael will be speaking about his passion for the Conidae Family. Michael gave us an excellent evening on Cypraeidae in April 2004 so we are looking forward to his Conidae evening!!!! Members are invited to contribute their expertise to the discussion.
Shell of the night: the Conidae Family. Please bring along a selection of your Conidae for display and discussion.
Shell Auction: Sat. July 30th Albany Hall
The schedule of shell lots will be enclosed with the next newsletter. Don't miss this auction!!! There are shells for all- new collectors and those who have been collecting for years, N.Z. collectors and overseas collectors. The more than 180 lots will include some large shells as single items and some glass covered display cases. Most of the lots on offer are donations from the collection of the Late Miss Joan Coles and the proceeds of the sale of these shells will go to the Section.
75th Birthday Celebration 16th-18th September
The Celebrations Committee advises that arrangements are well underway. Thanks to all members who have returned the survey form- we had a very good response- all your ideas will be discussed with much interest. We are delighted with the large number of members who have indicated they will be attending.
Our list of speakers for the event is well advanced and will be announced soon.
One idea we think has merit is to have a display of members shells from early or historical collections. If you have shells in your own collections sourced from a shell collector whom you consider has made a contribution to Conchology : the Brooks Collection, or shells collected by Norman Douglas etc. or perhaps a collection with an interesting aspect. If you would like to display any of these items at the Celebration please let contact Margaret Morley : email or ph. 09-576 8323
Another idea is to hold a "Super Raffle". We need contributors and sponsors for this project. Members are asked to donate an item of valve - not necessarily a shell - or find a sponsor to donate goods or a service. (lets think big! Any members friendly with an executive at Shell Petrol?) contact Margaret Morley (address above) if you can help.
Late Input: if you have thought of something of interest that could contribute to the success of the Birthday Celebration - it's not too late to contact Margaret with the idea!
July Meeting
Preview of the forthcoming July Meeting: Main Topic - Deep water/ Dredged shells - including shells collected from beach reclamation projects at Mission Bay, Kohimaramara and Eastern Beach (from the Pakiri dredging) Please begin sorting your special finds now to share in July. We would like volunters to talk about their special finds, on the night.
Australian Sixth National Shell Show
6th. Australian National Shell Show
11th and 12th March 2006
The Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club
117 Ryedale Road, West Ryde NSW 2114
Presented by The Shell Club of Sydney, The NSW Branch and The Malacological Society of Australia
Library News
The Library is on the march again - please contact our Librarian Gladys Goulstone (ph 09 634-2823) for an update.
Gladys plans to send out an updated list of our Library Books with the next news letter.
N.B. Please remember that Gladys can mail books out to you and she will also bring them along to a meeting for you - provided you contact her in plenty of time.
The Poirieria Editors, Jenny and Tony Enderby, have the latest Journal ready to print.
To receive this, make sure you return your 2005 subscription invoice without delay.
NB. if you are including photographs with your text, please leave an appropriate space in the text for the photos.
Articles: Tony & Jenny Enderby, PO Box 139, Leigh - ph 09 422-6127 - email:
Web site Officer: Peter Poortman, email
The Secretary Mrs. R. A. Tyson's email is
2005 : | January February March April |
2004 : | January February March April May June July August September October November |
2003 : | January February March April May June July August September October November |
2002 : | March April May June July August September October November December |
2001 : | February March April May June July August September October November December |
2000 : | February March April May June July August September October November December |