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Auckland Shell Club (Conchology Section, Auckland Museum Institute) |
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"Poirieria" is the magazine of the Auckland Shell Club.
We no longer produce Poirieria magazine, but all our old publications are available online for viewing or download (PDF) at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/117415#/summary.
Also, reference copies are held in the Auckland Museum Library and in the Natural History Library located in the Museum's Natural History Gallery.
Volume 38, December 2014
- Editorial, by Patricia Langford
- Intertidal and shallow subtidal biota of Whangapoua area, north-east Coromandel Peninsula, by Bruce W. Hayward, Margaret S. Morley, A. Brett Stephenson, Hugh R. Grenfell, and Glenys C. Hayward
- Beachdrift collecting on two continents in two hemispheres, by Michael K. Eagle
- Shellers Heaven, by Heather Smith
- Pleistocene Mollusca in ocean drilling project core site ODP 1119, Canterbury Bight, by Margaret S. Morley, Bruce W. Hayward and Alan G. Beu
- Tawera spissa (Bivalvia) predation by Astropecten polycanthus (Asteroidea) in Northland New Zealand, by Michael K. Eagle
- Conchology Section / Auckland Shell Club, by Doug Snook
- My Fellow Collectors, by Heather Smith
Volume 37, October 2013
- Editorial, by Patricia Langford
- A sub-fossil form of Pecten novaezelandiae from Oakura, Northland, by Michael K. Eagle
- In a whorl with Cominella glandiformis, by Margaret S. Morley
- Little Kiwi battler, by Paul Leary
- Molluscan record of early Holocene conditions at Bucklands Beach, Auckland, by Bruce W. Hayward and Margaret S. Morley, Geomarine Research, St Johns, Auckland
- The small, enigmatic Cephalopod Spirula spirula (Linnaeus, 1758) (Decabrachia, suborder Spirulina) from the Tasman Sea, by Michael K. Eagle
- Te Toheroa, by W. B. Weber
- The egg cases, protoconchs and early whorls of Nerita melanotragus E.A. Smith, 1884, by Margaret S. Morley
- The joke that backfired, by Margaret Morley and Bruce Hayward
- Trip to East Diamond Islet, Coral Sea, Nov/2012, by Heather Smith
Volume 36, December 2011
- Editorial, by Patricia Langford
- Obituary: Professor John Morton B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc., FRSNZ, QSO, by Margaret S. Morley
- Oystering: Notes resulting from an April/2011 field-trip, by Michael K. Eagle
- A Fossil Egg Case of Alcithoe Arabica from the Whanganui Pleistocene, by Jack Grant-Mackie
- Marjorie Mestayer (1880-1955) and her Molluscan Studies and Collections, by Bruce W. Hayward and Margaret S. Morley
- Between The Tides: Beachcombing Muriwai and Rangatira Beaches, by Michael K. Eagle
- Manukau Harbour Mollusc Survey, 1952 to 1963, by Margaret S. Morley, Bruce W. Hayward and Ken Hipkins
Volume 35, December 2010
- Editorial, by Patricia Langford
- Letter to the Editor, by Alan Beu
- Guide to finding predatory shellfish in the wider Auckland region, Scott T Pilkington and Bryony J James
- Mollusca dredged from Port Pegasus, Stewart Island, by Alan G Beu and Bruce Hayward
- Aspects of abalone aquaculture and polyculture, by Michael K Eagle
- Hinea Brasiliana alive and well at North Cape, by Bruce W Hayward and Margaret S Morley
- Hauraki marine park profiles in brief, by Margaret S Morley
- Living Fossils, by Zvi Orlin
- The earthquake strikes Christchurch, by Colleen Patterson
Volume 34, September 2009
- Obituary - Norman W Gardner, by Margaret S Morley, Noel Gardner, and Bruce Hayward
- Name changes for some common intertidal snails, by Hamish G Spencer
- Motutara: The Wild West Coast, by Michael K Eagle
- Evalea sabulosa (Suter, 1908) (Gastropoda: Pyramidellidae), by Margaret S Morley
- Geoduck riddle at Ohope, by Bruce W Hayward, Glenys C Hayward, and Margaret S Morley
- Mass mating of the mud snail, Amphibola crenata, by Bruce W Hayward
- Carl Linnaeus - Swedish Naturalist (1707-1778), by Patricia Langford
- A story worth telling ... again and again, by Neville Coleman
- Cleaning and restoring shells, by Margaret S Morley
- What to do with your collection, by Peter Poortman
- The sad demise of a great collection, by Peter Poortman
- Mason Bay, Stewart Island, by Bev Elliott
- Shell Show 2009, by Peter Poortman, Doug Snook, and Jan Munroe
- The Spring Shell Show, September 1982, by Patricia Langford
Volume 33, December 2007
- Molluscs in shelf and bathyal cores from Wanganui Bight and the East Coast of the North Island, by Margaret S. Morley and Bruce W. Hayward
- An Antarctic Pecten - its polymers and use as a bio-monitor in association with others, by Michael K. Eagle
- Collecting in Antarctica, South Georgia, Falklands and South America, by Margaret S. Morley
- Keppel Bay & Townsville Shows 2007, by Heather Smith
- Figured Stones, by Michael K. Eagle
- The Perfect Habitat? Fauna living in empty Bankia australis tubes, by Margaret S. Morley and Bonnie A. Bain
- "The Beautiful Shells of New Zealand" by E.G.B. Moss, reviewed by Ian Scott
- Obituary; David H. Baker and Bruce Hazelwood
Volume 32, October 2006
- Conchology Section, 75th Celebrations
- Short Note - Field Trip to Torpedo Bay, Devonport, by Margaret S. Morley
- Seventy-five Jubilations in Northland, by Margaret S. Morley and Heather D. Smith
- Spirits Bay, by Margaret S. Morley
- The Twin Halves Story, by Heather D. Smith
- A New Shell for Kaikoura, by Bev Elliott
- A Chlamys from Moeraki, by Jim Rumball
- Molluscs and Ostracods in a tidal transect from Whangapoua Estuary, Coromandel Peninsula, by Margaret S. Morley and Bruce W. Hayward
- The Original Shell Collector - The Carrier Shell, by Tony and Jenny Enderby
- Maori Beach, Stewart Island, by Bev Elliott
Volume 31, July 2005
- Notes on Chemosynthetic Communities, by Michael K. Eagle
- The Mt Wellington Lava Fields - Gone Forever, by Bruce F. Hazelwood
- Combing the Coast, by Bev Elliott
- The Australasian Genus Eudoxochiton, by Bruce F. Hazelwood
- Conus coronatus v. Conus aristophanes
- Privileged viewing of the nesting mussel, Modiolarca impacta, by Margaret S. Morley
- Observations on Alcithoe arabica at Bucklands Beach, by Chris Horne
- Landsnails from Burgess Island, Mokohinau Islands, by Bruce F. Hazelwood
- Presumes Tonna cerevisina spawn, by Margaret S. Morley
- Distribution of Marine Molluscs along the Temperate and Cold Water Regions of the Southern Ocean and Adjoining Zones, by Zvi Orlin
- Tributes to Joan Coles
Volume 30, April 2004
- A visit to Little Barrier Island or Hauturu, by Margaret Morley, Gladys Goulstone, Bruce Hazelwood, Betty Headford,
Neville Hudson, Doug Snook, Glenys Stace, Fiona Thompson, Rosa and Richard Tyson
- Words on Whelks, by Michael K. Eagle
- A population of the sea slug Ercolania felina, by Margaret S. Morley
- Intertidal biota and washup at Ahipara and Herekina, Northland west coast by Bruce W. Hayward, Margaret S. Morley, Hugh R. Grenfell, Rowan Carter, Glenys C. Hayward, Wihna M. Blom, Doug Rogan
- Field trip to Orewa Beach, 18 May 2003, by R. A. Tyson
- Field trip to Little Omaha Bay and Whangateau Harbour 14-15 June 2003, by R. A. Tyson
- Field trip to Wenderholm Regional Park, Auckland, 13 July 2003, by R. A. Tyson
- Field trip to Sulphur Beach, 10 August 2003, by R. A. Tyson
- Field trip to Karaka Bay and Glendowie Sandspit 27 September 2003, compiled by R. A. Tyson
- Field trip to Takapuna Beach, Auckland 12 October 2003, by. R. A. Tyson
- Publication Summaries, by Peter Poortman
Volume 29, June 2003
- Little Barrier Trip 15-17th Oct 2002. Reminiscences by Betty Headford
- South Island Holiday, April 2002, by Margaret S. Morley
- Yellow Cellar Slug, by John Murphy and Bruce Hazelwood
- Twenty Years Ago, by Nancy Smith
- Intertidal and Shallow Subtidal Biota of Cuvier Island, by Bruce W. Hayward and Margaret S. Morley
- Grafton Gully - A Home for Native and Introduced Landsnails and Slugs, by Bruce F. Hazelwood, David J. Roscoe and Frank Boulton
Volume 28(b), August 2002
- Marine Biota of Raglan, Waikato West Coast, by Bruce W. Hayward, Margaret S. Morley, Wilma Blom, Hugh R. Grenfell, Nancy Smith, Doug Rogan, and A. Brett Stephenson
- Albino Tanea zelandica from Aramoana Beach, Dunedin, by Michael K. Eagle
- Land and freshwater snails from Little Barrier, Great Barrier, Rakitu, Kaikoura, Broken and Aiguilles Islands, Hauraki Gulf, by Bruce Hazelwood, David J. Roscoe, and Frank Boulton
- Squid egg mass, Poor Knights Islands Marine Reserve, by Jenny and Tony Enderby
- Leptochiton subantarcticus from Papanui Canyon, Otago Heads, by Piet Kaas and Richard A. Van Belle (from Monograph of Living Chitons, Vol. 5)
- Twenty Years Ago, by Nancy Smith
Volume 28(a), March 2002
- Intertidal Biota of the proposed Nga Motu Marine Reserve, New Plymouth, by Bruce W. Hayward and Margaret S. Morley
- Unusual Washup on Waikuku Beach, by Edyth Coursey
- Range extension of Plesiotriton mirabilis Beu & Maxwell (Cancellariidae, Plesiotritoninae), by Walter O. Cernohorsky
- Placiphorella atlantica (Polyplacophora) discovered in N.Z. waters, by Bruce F. Hazelwood and Frank Boulton
- Marine Biota of Little Bucklands Beach to Musick Point, Tamaki Estuary, by Margaret S. Morley
- Twenty Years Ago, by Nancy Smith
- Mahia Peninsula Trip, by Betty Headford
Volume 27, April 2001
- Predator Patrol, by Michael K. Eagle
- Changes to the Intertidal Biota 1950's-2000 at Howick Beach Auckland, by Margaret S. Morley, Bruce W. Hayward, and Arthur White
- Marfells Beach and Cape Campbell, by Bev Elliott
- Scientific Paper Summaries, by Peter Poortman
- Cosmic Convulsions, by Michael K. Eagle
- Auckland Museum Conchology Club Bulletin No 2, by Peter Poortman
- Twenty Years Ago, by Nancy Smith
- First Record of the aeolid Protaeolidiella juliae Nudibranch, by Richard Willan
Volume 26, October 2000
- Just Juveniles, by Margaret S. Morley
- The Kauri Snail Returns, by Jenny & Tony Enderby
- Scientific Paper Summaries, by Peter Poortman
- Molluscs on the Menu, by Michael K. Eagle
- Observations on Egg Laying at Leigh, by Ian Scott
- Murexsul Feeding at Leigh, by Ian Scott
- Twenty Years Ago, by Nancy Smith
- My Best Find - Club Trip to Queensland, by Nancy Smith
- Yeppoon and Townsville Shell Show Holiday Trip, by Betty Headford
- Crab Predation on the small introduced bivalve Theora lubrica, by Bruce H. Hayward and Margaret S. Morley
Volume 25, May 2000 - Tribute to Jim Goulstone
- Tribute to Jim Goulstone, by Bruce Hayward
- Memories, by Norm Gardiner, Pauline Mayhill, Bruce Hazelwood, Doug Snook, Betty Headford, and Margaret Morley.
- An Inordinate Fondness for Land Snails, by Stephen Thorpe
- Some Landsnails on Tiritiri Matangi, by J.F.Goulstone, 1989
- Not So Fast, by J.F.Goulstone, 1975
- Landsnails of the Auckland Islands, by P.C.Mayhill and J.F.Goulstone, 1984
- Some Notes on the Genus Therasiella (Powell), by J.F.Goulstone, 1991
- J.F.Goulstone Bibliography
Volume 24, September 1999
- A pig and a poke at North Cape, by Michael K. Eagle
- Scientific Paper Reviews, by Peter Poortman
- Snorkelling Noises, by Margaret Morley
- A Load of Rubbish, by Michael K. Eagle
- Intertidal Survey of Piha and Mercer Bay, by Margaret Morley & Bruce Haywood
- 20 Years On, by Nancy Smith
- Schizoglossa - Alive and well on the mainland?, by Peter Poortman
- Third National Shell Show
Volume 23, November 1998
- Hiatellidae: Hiatella arctica (Linnaeus, 1767) and Panopea zelandica (Quoy & Gaimard, 1835), by Margaret S. Morley
- A Blister Pearl in Struthiolaria papulosa, by Henk K. Mienis
- Molluscan Shell Formation, by Michael K. Eagle
- Growth Series Siphonaria propria Jenkins 1983, by Margaret S. Morley
- Sowerbys. . .1, 2, 3, 4, by Nancy Smith
- Henry Suter, a Great Conchologist, by J. F. Goulstone
- On the Authorship of Argonauta nodosa, by Henk K. Mienis
- Cephalopod Bioluminescence, by Michael K. Eagle
- Remembering scientific names Part 4, by Frank Bolton
- The Pickings at Pahi, by Glenn Carter
- The library, by Rae Sneddon
- Periodicals, by Nancy Smith
- Twenty Years Ago, by Nancy Smith
Volume 22, May 1998
- An authentic record of Neothais clathrata in New Zealand, by Richard Willan
- Mollusc Survey Beachlands and Motukaraka Island, by M. Morley et al
- Poirieria Twenty Years ago, by Nancy Smith
- Periodicals, by Nancy Smith
- Reward for Procrastination, by Fiona Thompson
- Visible Evidence Series 6: Turridae, by Margaret Morley
- Water, Water, Everywhere, by Michael K. Eagle
- Shortnotes
- Obituary : Laurie Price
- The Conchology Library
Volume 21, October 1997
- The Strombacea Re-visited Part 2, by John Morton
- The Last Word on Mission Bay Sand, by M. Morley et al
- Dr Powell's Schoolboys, by David Baker
- Charles Reed Laws, by Nancy Smith
- Periodicals, by Nancy Smith
- I'll Huff and I'll Puff, by Mr Land Snail
- Conchology on the Internet, by Zeb Ahmed
- Poirieria Twenty Years Ago, by Nancy Smith
Volume 20, April 1997
- The Strombacea Re-visited Part 1, Strithiolaria and Aporrhais, by John Morton
- New Zealand Mollusc Name Changes from Powell (1979) to Spencer & Willan (1996), by Margaret S. Morley
- A Note from Richard Willan
- "Poirieria" Twenty Years Ago, by Nancy Smith
- The Diminishing Schizoglossa, by Peter Poortman
- Onepuhi Fossil Beds, Rangitikei River, by Michael K. Eagle & Glenys Stace
- Remembering Scientific Names Part 3: Meanings of Commonly Used Roots, by Frank Bolton
- Field Trip to Tawharanui, by Nancy Smith
- Setting up a Salt Water Aquarium, by Frank Bolton & Phil Taylor
- Periodicals, by Nancy Smith
- On the Net, by Glenys Stace