1 | | Ray Oliver - Rocks and Fossils, Alan Major - Collecting Fossils
2 | | Powell - New Zealand Mollusca, reserve
3 | | Morton & Miller - The New Zealand Sea Shore, reserve
4 | | Cernohorsky -Marine Shells of the Pacific Vols 1 & 2; Tropical Pacific Marine Shells, reserve
5 | | Shells of the Western Pacific in Colour, Vols 1 & 2, reserve
6 | | Conchological Ichonography Family Strombidae, including series binder
7 | | Compendium of Landsnails
8 | | Dakin - Australian Seashores; Cotton - South Australian Mollusca Archaeogastropoda; Davey - A photographic guide to Seashore life of Australia
9 | | Living Terebras of the World & Mitre Shells
10 | | Bursidae of the World & Recent Cassidae
11 | | Lamprell Spondylus & Rombouts Guidebook to Pecten Shells
12 | | Abbott Kingdom of the Seashell & The Shell
13 | | Coleman Shells Alive!; Miller & Batt Reef and Beach Live of New Zealand; Ponder & Vokes A revision of the Indo-West Pacific Fossil & Recent species of Murex s.s and Haustellum.
14 | | Dance Shell Collecting, an illustrated history; Johnstone Collecting Shells; Melvin Sea Shells with values
15 | | Field Guide to North American Seashells; Underwater guide to New Caledonia
16 | | Wye The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Shells; Sowerbys Book of Shells
17 | | New Zealand Geological Survey Paleontological Bulletins: 14, 17, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 44
18 | | New Zealand Geological Survey Paleontological Bulletins: 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 65
19 | | BR Wilson & K Gillett - Australian Shells, Joyce Allan - Australian Shells, MacPherson and Gabriel - Marine Molluscs of Victoria
20 | | Myra Keen - Sea Shells of Tropical West America, C Edmondson - Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii, Maxwell Smith - Panamic Marine Shells
21 | | AW Powell (1979) - New Zealand mollusca reserve
22 | | AW Powell (1967) - Shells of New Zealand
23 | | Morton & Miller (1968) - The New Zealand Sea Shore
24 | | Assorted sea shell related books (x4)
25 | | Powell (1961) - Native Animals of New Zealand
26 | | New Zealand books (x3) - Shells in Colour, Shellfish, Seashore Life
27 | | Marine Invertebrates books (x4) reserve
1 | WW | Connidae x30 including mitratus, cancellatus, dorreensis, retifer, victoriae, lynceus
2 | WW | Connidae x48 including capitaneus, pulicarius, nussatella, terebra, figulina, tessulatus, miliaris
3 | WW | Cypraeidae x25 including diluculum, zebra, obvelata, coxeni, mauritana, hirundo, fuscodentata, longior, xanthodon
4 | WW | Cypraeidae x 41 including argus, scurra, eburnea, onyx, talpa, schilderorum, ventriculus, labrollineata, subviridus
5 | WW | Neritidae x22 including borbonica, coronatus, fulgurans, pelorenta
6 | WW | Turritellidae/Fasciolariidae x15 including ahiparanus, terebra, vittatus, novaehollandiae, australiensis
7 | specl | Special shell collectors box : Steve O'Shea, Norman Douglas, David Gibbs, David Baker, George Barker, etc
8 | WW | Different countries : x30 at least including Chile, Spain, Angola, Indonesia, Mauritius, Canary Is, Senegal, France, etc
9 | WW | Assorted bivalves x31 including hemicardia, fimbriata, faba, tortuosa, ephippium, violaceus, reevei
10 | WW | Nassariidae x19 including arcularia, fossatus, concoidalis, pyrrhus, pullus, distortus, obsoletus, globosus
11 | WW | Naticidae x49 including carena, chemnitzi, mammatus, didyma, arachnoidea, tigrina, melanstomus, migratoria
12 | WW | Landsnails x22 including Placostylus ambagiosus, bovinus, Papuina xanthochila, Helix pomatia, Acavus phoenix, Marmorana muralis
13 | WW | Trochidae x51 including Tectus pyramis, Trochus histrio, Phasianella australis, irisodontes, Diloma suavis, Gibbula divaricata
14 | WW | Assorted x 43 including Fasciolaria tulipa, Haliotis squamata, Tonna chinensis, Cymatium aquatile, Cellana flava
15 | WW | Muricidae x29 including Thais mancinella, Thais floridana, Murexul octogonus, Paratrophon patens, Pterotyphis eos
16 | WW | Strombidae x34 including granulatus, urceus, campbelli, minimus, canarium, variabilis, lentiginosus
17 | NZ | Assorted x30 including Astraea heliotropium, Poirieria zelandica, Glaphyrina caudata, Murexul octogonus, Cellana denticulata
18 | NZ | Buccinidae x16 including Buccinulum vittatum, Penion adusta
19 | NZ | Assorted x31 including Calliostoma selectum, Cabestana spengleri, Divaricella huttoniana, Talabrica bellula
20 | NZ | Bivalves x18 including Mactra ovata and Zenatia acinaces
21 | WW | Cymbiola rossiniana, 127mm, very rare, New Caledonia reserve
22 | WW | Lyria lyraeformis, 111mm, rare, Kenya reserve
23 | Fossil | Canterbury, East Cape, Cape Kidnappers; and Voluta scaphella, Mitre heiprini, Floida
24 | NZ | Mixed including Patella kermadecensis, Alcithoe flemingi and Chatham Is species
25 | WW | Mixed from Alaska, Hawaii, Guernsey, Italy to Argentina
26 | WW | Mixed including Fissurella species, Haliotis spadicea, Murex forskoehlii, Egypt
27 | WW | Bivalves : very large ones, including Amiantis callosa 101mm, Macrocallista nimbosa 131mm, Mercenaria campechiensis 116mm, Mercenaria mercenaria 122mm, Peryglypta multicostata 125mm, Tresus capax 136mm, Tresus nuttallii 134mm
28 | WW | Landsnails : Large, includes Ryssota maxima, Helicostyla smaragdina
29 | WW | Echinoderms
30 | WW | Australian shells - large carton of beach shells with good locality data, roughly sorted, mix of good specimens and craft material
31 | WW | Cypraeidae : Cypraea spadicea, hesitata, as well as many specimens of common species
32 | WW | Marginellidae : Marginella amygdale, aurantia, irrorata, glabella, rosea, etc
33 | WW | Fissurellidae and Halioitidae
34 | WW | Conidae
35 | WW | Olividae : Oliva arctata, dactyliola, incrassata (golden form), porphyria, rufula, todosina, etc
36 | WW | Olividae : Oliva bouloui, glandiformis, rubrolabiata, semmelinki, sidelia, splendidula
37 | WW | Olividae : Oliva caribaensis, concavospira, lecocquiana, panniculata, parkinsoni, porphyria, todosina
38 | WW | Olividae : Olivia caribaensis, concavospira, lentiginosa, lepida, multiplicata, pindarina, rufula, sidelia
39 | WW | Olividae : Oliva arctata, dactyliola, duclosi, rubrolabiata, sayana f. citrinia, sidelia, todosina
40 | WW | Olividae : Amalda, Ancilla, Ancillista, Olivancillaria, etc
41 | WW | Olividae : Oliva, Ancilla, etc
42 | WW | Tonnidae
43 | WW | Strombidae : Strombus, Terebellus, Tibia
44 | WW | Bullinidae, Hydatinidae, Acteonidae and other Opisthobranchs. Acteon eloiseae, Bullina lineata
45 | WW | Pleurotomariidae, Perotrochus westralis, reserve
46 | WW | Pleurotomariidae, Perotrochus teramachi, reserve
47 | WW | Pleurotomariidae, Perotrochus vicdani, reserve
48 | WW | Pleurotomariidae, Perotrochus gotoi, reserve
49 | WW | Pleurotomariidae, Perotrochus hirasei, reserve
50 | WW | Angariinae
51 | WW | Naticidae : Natica and Polinices
52 | WW | Naticidae : Natica and Polinices
53 | WW | Naticidae : Eunatica and Sinum
54 | NZ | Columbarium
55 | WW | Calliostomatidae : Calliostoma delli, rare reserve
56 | WW | Trochidae : Bathybembix humbolti, rare reserve
57 | WW | Nautilus pompilus and Argonauta hians
58 | WW | Anomiidae, Limidae, Plicatulidae
59 | WW | Melongenidae
60 | WW | Buccinidae : Buccinum spp, Neptunia spp, etc
61 | WW | Buccinidae : Large Penion maximus, Neptunia spp, Aeneator castilai, Aeneator loissae
62 | WW | Buccinidae : Small species including Aeneator loissae, Babylonia sppa, Colubraria spp
63 | WW | Cerithidae, Potamidae, Planaxidae
64 | WW | Cap and Slippers, Patellidae, Capulidae, Hipponicidae, Calyptraeidae, Siphonariidae
65 | WW | Littorinidae and Neritidae
66 | WW | Ranellidae and Bursidae
67 | WW | Muricidae (small species)
68 | WW | Turritellidae, Epitoniidae, Pyramidellidae, etc
69 | WW | Aporrhais occidentalis, pesgallinae, pespelecani, serresianus, Solariella solaris
70 | WW | Cassidae : Cassis cornuta, fimbriata, flammea, nana, tesselata, Cypraecassis coarctata, rufa, testiculus
71 | WW | Cassidae : Cassis cornuta, fimbriata, flammea, madagascarensis, nana, tesselata, Cypraecassis coarctata, rufa, testiculus
72 | WW | Cassidae : Casmaria, Phalium & Semicassis, including Semicassis adcocki
73 | WW | Cassidae : Casmaria, Phalium & Semicassis including Semicassis witworthi
74 | WW | Cassidae : Phalium muangmani, Oocorys alcocki, Sconsia lindae, Sconsia striata, Semicassis bula bula, Semicassis umbilicata
75 | WW | Cassidae : Echinophoria bituberculosa, ferrarioi, kurodai, wyvillei, Galeodea echinophora, maccamleyi, rugosa
76 | WW | Turbinidae : Astraea, Astralium
77 | WW | Turbinidae : Bolma, Guildfordia
78 | WW | Turbinidae : Turbo argyrostomus, caniliculatus, cidaris, fluctuosus, lajonkairii, imperialis, perspeciousus, petholatus, pulcher, setosus, torquata, etc.
79 | WW | Turbinidae : Prisogaster, Phasianellidae, Tricoliidae, Liotiinidae
80 | NZ | Calliostomatidae : Maurea blacki, foveauxana, granti?, pellucida, osbornei, regalis?, selecta, tigris, turneraum
81 | WW | Calliostomatidae : Calliostoma adspersum, annulatum, antoni, armillata, bullara, bullisi, chuni, consors, copperingeri, depictum, euglyptum, eximium, formosense, grannulatum, gubbioli, iridium, jujubinum, javanicum, kiiense, laugeri, ligatum, marionae, miliaris, militaris, monile, nepheloide, occidentale, ornatum, speciosum, suturale, tranquebarica, zizyphinum, Herbertina cognata
82 | WW | Calliostomatidae : Calliostoma bullara, monile, speciosum, aequisculptum, annulatum, bullisi, caniliculatum, copperingeri, major, echinatum, euglyptum, fonkii, , formosense, grannulatum, hassleri, jacquelinae, laugeri, ligatum, lithocollectum, marshalli, miliaris, modestulum, occidentale, zizyphinum, adelae, javanicum, jujubinum, shinagawensis, suturale
83 | WW | Calliostomatidae : Calliostoma bullara monile, allanae, africanum, annulatum, antoni, consors, copperingeri, major, eucosimia, eximium, formosense, gemmosum, grannulatum, hernandedzi, jucundum, laugeri, ligatum, lithocollectum, mcleani, miliaris, moscatelli, ornatum, zizyphinum, armillata, rubiginosum, aculeatum, shinagawensis, Herbetina eos
84 | WW | Calliostomatidae : Calliostoma formosense, nordensjkoldi, occidentale, oshikatai, palmeri, perfragile, platinum, pulchrum, rema, rioense, roseolum, scalenum, scotti, chuni, soyoae, ticaonica, tranquebarica, vinosum, virescens, cf. wiseri, yucatecanum, zizyphinum, adelae, javanicum, sarcodum, jujubinum, similarae, rubiginosum, Fautor comptus?
85 | WW | Trochidae : deep water, Bathybembix, Lischkeia, Calliotropis, Turcuca
86 | WW | Trochidae : Clanculus, c. 20 spp including C. puniceus, undatus, minatus
87 | WW | Trochidae : Trochus & Tectus spp., including large Tectus dentatus & bright pink Tectus nodulosus
88 | WW | Trochidae :Tegula including pelliserpensis, regina, fasciata, Herpetopoma, Granata, Norrisia, Margarites (including an unidentified species from the Kamchatka trench, 2500m) & Antimargarites (Ross Sea)
89 | WW | Trochidae : Austrocochlea, Chrysostoma, Cittarium, Danilia, Diloma, Gaza, Gibbula, Margarella
90 | WW | Trochidae : Monodonta, Oxystele, Gibbula, Neocollonia, Agagus, Photinula, Cantharidus,Prothalotia, Jujubinus
91 | WW | Trochidae : Phasianotrochus, Thalotia, Stomatella, Pseudostomatella, Solariella, Ilanga, Microgaza, Minolia, Monilea, Umbonium, Pseudotalopia
92 | WW | Nassariidae/Fasciolariidae etc
93 | WW | Cancellariidae, Turbonellidae, Mitridae etc
94 | NZ | Muricidae
95 | NZ | Ranellidae
96 | NZ | Volutes
97 | NZ | Shells dredged from Pakiri Beach (found Kohimarama)
98 | NZ | Shells dredged from Pakiri Beach (found Kohimarama)
99 | NZ | Shells dredged from Pakiri Beach (found Kohimarama)
100 | NZ | Shells dredged from Pakiri Beach (found Kohimarama)
101 | NZ | Shells dredged from Pakiri Beach (found Kohimarama)
102 | NZ | Shells from Musick Peninsula
103 | NZ | Shells from Te Ngaere
104 | NZ | Selection of shells
105 | NZ | Selection of shells
106 | WW | Naticidae : Selection
107 | WW | Cypraea semiplota, Hawaii
108 | WW | Cypraea gaskoini, Hawaii
109 | WW | Cypraea margarita, Hawaii
110 | WW | Cypraea mauiensis, Hawaii
111 | WW | Volva nectarina, Queensland
112 | WW | Phenacovolva sowerbyana, Japan
113 | WW | Limicolaria martensi (2), West Africa
114 | WW | Limicolaria zambeul (2), West Africa
115 | WW | Achatina greyi (2), West Africa
116 | WW | Atopochlis exarata, West Africa
117 | WW | Helix cincta (2), Algeria
118 | WW | Helix vermiculata (2), Algeria
119 | WW | Chondrocyclus convexiusculus (2), South Africa
120 | WW | Petraeus labrosus (2), Israel
121 | WW | Helix cavata (2), Israel
122 | WW | Sphincterochila cariosa (2), Israel
123 | WW | Stereophaedusa japonica (2), Japan
124 | WW | Mundiphaedusa rex (2), Japan
125 | WW | Cyclophorus herklotsi (2), Japan
126 | WW | Cyclophorus makiyamai (2), Japan
127 | WW | Euhadra congenita (2), Japan
128 | WW | Euhadra congenita hickonis (2), Japan
129 | WW | Euhadra congenita intersting (2), Japan
130 | WW | Euhadra latispira tsurugaensis (2), Japan
131 | WW | Euhadra callizona (2), Japan
132 | WW | Euhadra sigeonis (2), Japan
133 | WW | Achatinella bella (2), Molokai, Hawaii
134 | WW | Achatinella abbreviata (2), Oahu, Hawaii
135 | WW | Achatinella vulpina (2), Oahu, Hawaii
136 | WW | Achatinella lorata (2), Oahu, Hawaii
137 | WW | Achatinella lorata form (2), Oahu, Hawaii
138 | WW | Achatinella decora (2), Oahu, Hawaii
139 | WW | Achatinella confusa (x2), Oahu, Hawaii
140 | WW | Achatinella viridans (2), Oahu, Hawaii
141 | WW | Achatinella vulpina suturalis (2), Oahu, Hawaii
142 | WW | Achatinella stewarti (2), Oahu, Hawaii
143 | WW | Glypholoma newberryana (2), USA
144 | WW | Triodopsis multilineata (2), USA
145 | WW | Monadenia beryllica (2), USA
146 | WW | Monadenia fidelis (2), USA
147 | WW | Helminthoglypta californiensis (2), USA
148 | WW | Helminthoglypta searnsiana (2), Mexico
149 | WW | Helminthoglypta dupetithouarsi (2), USA
150 | WW | Anguispira alternata (2), USA
151 | WW | Oxystyla floridensis (2), USA
152 | WW | Bulimulus reentsi (2), Mexico
153 | WW | Drymaeus multilineatus (2), USA
154 | NZ | Placostylus hongii, The Noises Is (AWB Powell collection)
155 | NZ | Placostylus worthyi, Cape Maria (AWB Powell Collection)
156 | NZ | Placostylus ambagiosus watti, North Cape (N Gardner collection)
157 | NZ | Placostylus gardneri, Tom Bowling Bay (N Douglas collection)
158 | NZ | Paryphanta superba mouatae (Mary Mouat collection)
159 | NZ | Paryphanta hochstetteri bicolor (Mary Mouat collection)
160 | NZ | Paryphanta obscura bicolor hybrid (Mary Mouat collection)
161 | NZ | Paryphanta lignaria unicolorata (N Douglas collection)
162 | NZ | Paryphanta lignaria unicolorata hybrid (N Douglas collection)
163 | NZ | Poirieria zelandica (2), Hauraki Gulf (AWB Powell collection)
164 | NZ | Poirieria zelandica (7) - growth series, Hauraki Gulf (AWB Powell collection)
165 | NZ | Xenophora neozelanica, North Cape (AWB Powell collection)
166 | NZ | Coluzea mariae, Auckland Islands
167 | NZ | Euciroa galatheae, Alderman Islands (N Douglas collection)
168 | NZ | Scutellastra kermadecensis, Raoul Island
169 | NZ | Trophon cardulus, 1000m deep, West Coast, Northland
170 | NZ | Pterotyphis eos, Bay of Islands (N Douglas collection)
171 | NZ | Alcithoe fusus (2) off Gisborne, off Banks Peninsula (N Gardner collection)
172 | NZ | Alcithoe jaculoides, off Whakatane (AWB Powell collection)
173 | NZ | Alcithoe arabica, off Te Kaha (AWB Powell collection)
174 | NZ | Alcithoe arabica, off Tiri, Whangaparaoa (AWB Powell collection)
175 | NZ | Alcithoe swainsoni, Off Ohope (AWB Powell collection)
176 | NZ | Alcithoe depressa, Doubtless Bay (AWB Powell collection)
177 | NZ | Alcithoe depressa, Rarawa (Bob Penniket collection)
178 | NZ | Alcithoe motutaraensis, West Coast (N Douglas collection)
179 | NZ | Astraea heliotropium, Foveaux Strait (Bob Penniket collection)
180 | NZ | Turbo granosus, Stewart Island (Bob Penniket collection)
181 | NZ | Cypraea vitellus, Poor Knights, 11/78 (Bob Penniket collection)
182 | NZ | Maurea osbornei, Whangarei Heads (Kevin Burch collection)
183 | NZ | Maurea selecta, Great Exhibition Bay (N Douglas collection)
184 | NZ | Maurea tigris, Anatori, West Coast (N Douglas collection)
185 | NZ | Maurea waikanae, Paraparaumu (Mary Mouat collection)
186 | NZ | Maurea waikanae, Marlborough Sounds (Bob Penniket collection)
187 | NZ | Maurea pellucida, Marlborough Sounds (Bob Penniket collection)
188 | NZ | Maurea pellucida haurakiensis (2), Devonport (Mary Mouat collection)
189 | NZ | Maurea punctulata (3), Great Exhibition Bay (N Douglas collection)
190 | NZ | Maurea punctulata (2), Stewart Island (Bob Penniket collection)
191 | NZ | Maurea multigemmata, East Otago (AWB Powell collection)
192 | NZ | Austrofusus glans (2), East Otago (AWB Powell collection)
193 | NZ | Cominella adspersa (3), off Tiri, Whangaparaoa (AWB Powell collection)
194 | NZ | Epitonium bucknilli (2), Bay of Plenty (N Douglas collection)
195 | NZ | Dentallium zelandicum (2), Bay of Plenty (AWB Powell collection)
196 | NZ | Cabestana spengleri, Foveaux Strait (AWB Powell collection)
197 | NZ | Charonia lampas capax, Foveaux Strait (AWB Powell collection)
198 | NZ | Penion sulcatus, Golden Bay, Nelson (Mary Mouat collection)
199 | NZ | Lima zelandica, Preservation Inlet (N Douglas collection)
200 | NZ | Resania lanceolata, Fiordland (N Douglas collection)
201 | NZ | Zenatia acinaces, Fiordland (N Douglas colelction)
202 | NZ | Tellina charlottae (2), Picton Harbour (N Douglas collection)
203 | NZ | Offadesma angasi, Omaha (Bob Penniket collection)
204 | NZ | Longimactra elongata, Omaha (Bob Penniket collection)
205 | NZ | Dosinia greyi, Omaha (Bob Penniket collection)
206 | NZ | Notocallista multistriata (3), Marlborough (Bob Penniket collection)
207 | WW | Pleurotomaria teramachii
208 | WW | Conus gloriamaris
209 | WW | Cypraea guttata azumi
210 | WW | Cypraea armeniaca
211 | NZ | Selection of volutes
212 | NZ | Pectens
213 | NZ | Pectens
214 | NZ | Pectens
215 | NZ | Pectens
216 | NZ | Pectens
217 | NZ | Pectens
218 | NZ | Pectens
219 | NZ | Selection of shells from Foveaux Strait
220 | WW | Cypraea auratium
221 | WW | Selection of Voluta vespertilio
222 | WW | Selection of overseas landsnails
223 | NZ | Selection of Maurea
224 | NZ | Selection of Volutes
225 | NZ | Pair of large Apatopygus recns
226 | NZ | Xenophora neozelanica kermadecensis
227 | fossils | Collection of fossils from Wanganui (x17)
228 | NZ | Collection of Verconella (x6) and other NZ gastropods (x5)
229 | NZ | Collection of gastropods
230 | WW | Cyprara (x23) plus other pacific gastropods
231 | WW | Japanese land snails (x9)
232 | WW | Japanese land snails (x8)
233 | WW | Collection of shells from South East Asia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Japan, Korea, Malaysia
234 | fossils | Mid Miocene fossils from Florida
235 | WW | Large Bivalves- incl's v.gerontic Spondyli, rotund Hippopus, lge Lopha cristagalli
236 | WW | Bivalves - medium sized from 70 - 120mm. All are pairs.
237 | WW | Bivalves - nice smaller ones from 30 - 70mm. Plus Malleus sp 183mm
238 | WW | Bivalves - some nice smaller ones from 30 - 70mm
239 | WW | Bivalves - some nice smaller ones from 30 - 70mm
240 | WW | Syrinx aruanus with periostracum & operc. 328mm
241 | WW | Land and Freshwater. 140mm Archachatina, ~10spp FW, Helicostyla's, 2 Manus Is snails
242 | WW | Ranellidae, Distorsio, Bursa. Not many opercs but incl's nice small examples
243 | WW | Gastropods. Incl's Neptunea entiqua , & Semicassis sp. 104mm, Xenophora x5
244 | WW | Incl's Spondylus x5, Chama, Nautilus
245 | WW | Indo-Pacific Olives, Terebras & Miscellaneous. Large quantity of various small Terebras
246 | NZ | NZ Mixture Incl's S.royanum, Fusitriton, Alc.fissurata, Iredalina
247 | WW | Lucky Dip. Assorted marine Indo-Pacific Cones, Cowries, Harpa, etc Many shells
248 | WW | Lucky Dip. Assorted marine Indo-Pacific Cones, Cowries, Harpa, etc Many shells
249 | WW | Lucky Dip. Assorted marine Indo-Pacific Cones, Cowries, Harpa, etc Many shells
250 | WW | Lucky Dip. Assorted marine Indo-Pacific Cones, Cowries, Harpa, etc Many shells
251 | WW | Various mostly Indo-Pacific smaller gastropods for a collector, not a bathroom
252 | WW | Lucky Dip. Assorted marine. Many many small shells
253 | WW | Lucky Dip. Assorted marine. Many many small shells
254 | WW | Lucky Dip. Assorted marine. Many many small shells
255 | WW | Smalls. Plus Pelicaria x6, Epitonium scalare x3, rugosum, Amaea magnifica 101mm
256 | WW | Lucky Dip. Assorted Indo-Pacific. Many many small shells
257 | WW | Tray of Coralliophilidae, smaller Trochidae, tusk shells
258 | WW | Small mitres & nassariids. And pea cowries for Africa! 1000 shells maybe
259 | WW | Pectinidae. Mostly smaller colourful ones
260 | WW | Muricidae incl. some Thaids. Murex cornutus 149mm, haustellum 136mm
261 | WW | Muricidae incl. some nicer ones
262 | WW | Tonnidae 18 shells of var. species
263 | WW | Busycon x10 (both sin & dex), other Florida shells, 7 x Ficus (one of 145mm), Rapa rapa
264 | WW | Large tray of Strombus & Lambis (but not lambis) and 2 Tibia
265 | WW | Tray of Large Lambis species & Strombus thersites
266 | WW | Tray of Large Lambis, Strombus tricornis (Ethiopia), S.costatus
267 | WW | Many med to large Conus incl geographus, aulicus, bandanus, virgo, many others
268 | WW | Many med to large Conus incl geographus, aulicus, bandanus, virgo, many others
269 | WW | Many med to large Conus incl geographus, aulicus, bandanus, virgo, many others
270 | WW | Many med to large Conus incl geographus, aulicus, bandanus, virgo, many others
271 | WW | Many small to med Conus incl nussatella, & many others
272 | WW | Many small Conus, with data inside the shell
273 | WW | Many small Conus in plastic boxes, with data inside the shell
274 | WW | Small to medium Conus. Many have data inside the shell
275 | WW | Small to medium Conus, many w. data plus 2 large geographus, 2 nice litteratus
276 | WW | Cypraea tigris . (i) A tray full of 27 shells. Great variety of size and colour types
277 | WW | Cypraea tigris . (ii) A tray full of 28 shells. Great variety of size and colour types
278 | WW | Cypraea tigris . (iii) A tray full of 33 shells. Great variety of size and colour types
279 | WW | Cowries, 2 huge testudinarias & many large others in good condition
280 | WW | As above, incl testudinaria 130mm!, 3 lovely argus, & a pantherina ssp from Ethiopia
281 | WW | Cowries -nice 95mm cervus, 3 great depressa, & a lurida from Cyprus
282 | WW | Tray of Cowries -lge cervus 113mm, cervinetta, lovely testudinaria 116mm
283 | WW | Treasure Chest for Cypraeophiles. 17 boxes of smaller cowries many w.data. Hrs of fun!
284 | WW | 2nd Treasure Chest of Cowries. Ignore the lynx & carneola, but do check out the rest!
285 | WW | Choice cowries: thersites, mini hesitata 62mm, and others
286 | WW | Choice cowries: teuleri, gold-colour tigris, and others
287 | WW | Choice Cones. Smaller but rarer ones, interesting
288 | WW | Choice Cones. Smaller but rarer ones, interesting
289 | WW | Argonauta argo, nodosa both damaged. Two hians: 1 is lge, 1 is entire
290 | WW | Tutufa bubo 265mm (big), Cassis cornuta (nice shield, chipped canal)
291 | WW | Cassis cornuta - good shield, 236mm, chipped canal
292 | WW | Neptuneopsis gilchristi w.operc., chips on lip,171mm
293 | WW | Conus leopardus chipped & ugly, but heavy & huge, 191mm
294 | WW | Some non-mollusc items, marine urchins etc
295 | WW | Adelomelon becki 328mm
296 | WW | 3 large Volutidae
297 | WW | Volutidae - inspect for yourself, some v.nice shells
298 | WW | Volutidae - inspect for yourself, some v.nice shells
299 | WW | Volutidae - inspect for yourself, some v.nice shells
300 | WW | Volutidae - inspect for yourself, some v.nice shells
301 | WW | Volutidae - inspect for yourself, some v.nice shells
302 | WW | Volutidae - inspect for yourself, some v.nice shells
303 | WW | Volutidae - in plastic boxes, very nice smaller ones, esp. Australian